june camp

All Sessions Junior Camp June Camp Main Camp August Camp


June 21 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Another perfect day, but this time you parents will be able to judge for yourself! Our weather is never of great importance, but this years perfection...

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June 20 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Tonight, we will celebrate our last night together with a Banquet, an event keenly anticipated by the campers from their first days at camp, often ran...

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June 19 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


What a show! Countless hours were invested by the 108 campers who comprised this year’s cast and crew. The directors spent long nights and early morni...

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June 18 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Raise the curtain and start the show! These familiar words elicit a physical response every time I hear them. They bring back memories of my brief tim...

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June 17 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


So many things to write about, but I don’t have much time (a common problem during the last week of camp) so I will just hit the highlights. Age limit...

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June 16, 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Today I’m going to do a “reprint” of my Fathers Day post from last summer. I have NOT lost my inspiration, but I am running late. Taking Stumblers pho...

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June 15 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


At Breakfast Club this morning, we talked about what we (and others) look like. This subject is a big deal for many (most) people and it has been a bi...

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June 14 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Writing a daily update is a lot of fun during the summer. It forces us to distill a thousand moments of joy and inspiration into a theme for the day. ...

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June 13 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Today is the Birthday Ball! We make sure birthday girls feel special on their actual birthday day, today is an extra occasion to remember. On the actu...

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June 12 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Tonight is Carnival and the girls are FIRED UP. From the first day of camp, everyone has been talking about it… wondering if we will get shirts this y...

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June 11, 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


What does EVERY camper hope to do at camp? We think about this question all the time and plan each session in such a way that it connects deeply acros...

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June 10 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Yesterday afternoon, I was struck by two moments of delight and inspiration. I read an email from the Creative Writing counselor (yes, we have a creat...

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June 8 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Our Opening Vespers was not just a success, it was a testament to the spirit of our camp. Having Catherine on stage was a highlight, and her prayer an...

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June 7 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Dr. Sevier, Gigi, and Libby (Greystone’s directors through the years) taught us to be intentional about the details at camp. Our mission is to “Deligh...

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June 6, 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Last night everyone from Bungalow 3 to Cabin 12 performed with their cabin on the big stage. It was a fun show… great choreography, fun costumes, and ...

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June 5, 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Peter, my son-in-law, fixed the internet problem at 3:30 this morning. HURRAY!!! We are so thankful for his tech savvy (his explanation of the problem...

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June 4, 2024

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


5 AM Update: Internet issues resolved! Uploaded about 2,000 photos, looking forward to a great day! Thank you for your continued patience! Most of us...

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June Camp 2024!

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


One of the great things about the Christian worldview is how it encourages a spirit of gratitude, patience, long-suffering, and joy. This is what I th...

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About to Open June Camp!

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


It is hard to believe that June Camp opens on Monday. Just one week ago we opened our 105th summer with the CUTEST group of Junior Campers! They were ...

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How Closing Day Works

by Sarah

by Sarah


With camp right around the corner, we know Opening Day is on many of your minds. We have a great video from a few years ago to show you how the Openin...

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Rain Rain

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Rain, Rain, Go Away… we are about ready for a change! The forecast calls for gradual improvement in our weather pattern over the course of the day. It...

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The Show

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


There are many cumulative moments happening this week; one of them was the Play “Seussical” last night. This EP has taken the entire session to put to...

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All Good

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Yesterday’s rain did not impact our program very much. Nothing fell until midway through the afternoon classes. At that point, it rained hard for abo...

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Wet Dog Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Some of my favorite childhood memories occurred during long rainstorms. I was a camper at Falling Creek, always attending the Main Camp (seven weeks l...

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Father's Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


While we do not celebrate Father’s Day at camp (we reserve that occasion for homelife), we acknowledge the fact that Dads play an important role in fa...

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Self Image

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Body image… This subject is still a major problem for many people. It is one of those things that has always been a burden for our campers (even in th...

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Chicken Day

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Any day that begins with Chic-Fil-A biscuits is a GREAT DAY, and that is what we enjoyed for breakfast this morning. We slept late and set out a lavis...

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Having a Ball

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


My Grandmother’s birthday was in July, so her father made sure to treat birthdays as a big deal at camp! He set one day apart to honor these girls in ...

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Good Times

by Jimboy

by Jimboy


Spirits are high as we enter another GREAT DAY at Greystone. The girls are celebrating the Great Day way of living as we enter the final stretch of ca...

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