Put Others First

We teach something very different at Greystone

The secret of Greystone is unselfishness.

It is easy to be selfish – every aspect of life encourages us to focus on ourselves. Social media demands a steady stream of status updates; every commercial tells you how to improve your life. The universe revolves around one thing: me. At camp we focus on others first, building a community that is truly loving and amazingly sweet.

Others First

We teach campers to be mindful of the blessings that surround us and to be genuinely thankful for them. At camp we learn to thank a counselor for teaching a fun class, to thank a friend for a good talk, and to thank God for everything! Thankfulness gives a perspective that is life changing for ourselves and for others.

“I found my backbone at Greystone and gained the confidence to make new friends, try new things, and be happy. Not just at camp but at home too.”


Helping Others

  • Sundays: Each Sunday, we give campers the opportunity to donate a portion of their personal allowance to our offering at church. The money Greystone girls give each summer supports individuals and organizations chosen by the Senior Honor Council, making a difference worldwide.
  • Evening Programs: Campers at our Main Camp help raise money for charitable organizations through a few of our Evening Programs. We have donated 500 ducks, 50 goats, and several fresh water wells to needy families and communities in third world countries. Through this, we encourage an expansive worldview far beyond the camp gates.
  • Scholarships: Over half of our counselors donate money from their paycheck to help future campers through our Great Day Fund scholarship program.

“You can see the joy of the Lord in each girl’s smile as they rest in just how wonderfully God has made them. It’s a place to learn from one another, whether in class or on a bunk. Of course, it’s also just plain fun!”



Greystone intentionally cultivates a tight-knit community. We rarely divide our campers into age-specific activities, but instead do the majority of our programs as an entire group. We are one united entity, eating family-style meals, enjoying Evening Programs and Morning Assemblies together, and praying together before going to bed. We experience life together all the time, and this community makes everything better!

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Doing so many things as a community requires our campers to see themselves as part of a larger whole. Whether in the cabin or in the entire camp, girls experience the effect a positive attitude has on the entire group. We become like a family and learn to sacrifice for the good of the whole.