Packing For Camp

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Packing for camp is so much fun! We receive many questions regarding packing and have tried to answer any packing questions below. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our office at 828.693.3182.

What should I pack for camp?

The best place to start is by looking over our camp packing lists.


Campers are not allowed to bring any food, gum, or candy to camp (and may not receive these in the mail). Any brought or sent to camp will be donated to our local homeless shelter.

Restricted Items

Please do not bring electronic items (cell phones, iPods, DVD players, Wi-Fi Devices, e-readers, Yoto players, iPads, smart watches, etc.), extension cords, plug-in and battery-operated string lights, hammocks, slime, glass bottles, skin care devices or expensive skin care products, offensive or suggestive clothing or books with inappropriate graphics or themes, or valuables (including irreplaceable or expensive clothing or sports gear, and/or money). If brought to camp, these items will be placed in our safe on Opening Day. Digital cameras without internet capabilities are allowed.

Please do not send your daughter’s cell phone to camp unless she needs it for her return flight home. Even though we collect all phones and put them in our safe on Opening Day, these phones cause unnecessary distractions on Opening Day, Banquet Night (when they are returned), and Closing Day. Please keep your daughter’s phone at home with you.

Decorating Your Bunk

Junior and August campers need to bring one set of twin-sized sheets for their bed, and June and Main campers need to bring two sets of twin-sized sheets for their bed. We also recomend bringing a warm blanket or quilt. Girls will also need to bring their own pillow and pillowcases for their bed. We have jersey-style blankets available for your daughter to use, if she needs it.

Many girls LOVE making their bunks feel warm and welcoming. We only allow campers to use bedding items and photos to decorate their bunks. Your daughter may want to bring pictures from home, stuffed animals, a special blanket, or small pillows to make her space feel homey. These decorations are not necessary, but many girls do bring things to personalize their space (read more about Bunk Decorating and what is allowed).

Please remember, we do not allow electric or battery operated string lights. Please also do not bring extension cords.

Mattress Pads: Many campers enjoy extra padding for their mattress, but it is not required. We recommend bringing a thick mattress pad instead of an egg crate. You can purchase these online, for example, one like this. Our mattresses are waterproof.

Frequent Questions

What do I need for a Green and a Gold team outfit?

Campers will be placed on a team based on their cabin number. This team changes every year, and your daughter will not know her team until Opening Day. Girls love dressing up for team events, so please pack some Green items (odd-numbered cabins) and Gold (yellow) items (even-numbered cabins) for her to wear. You also have the option of purchasing an Odd or Even t-shirt, as well as other dress-up items, through The Store. The correct team color items will be delivered to your daughter once she arrives.

Should I bring a trunk or a duffel bag?

There is no wrong answer to this question! If it is your first summer at Greystone, we would recommend using a duffel or a plastic trunk (or rubbermaid box). All of our camp beds have big drawers underneath them, and girls will unpack all of their clothes into these drawers. Duffels are easy to fold up and stuff in your drawer, while plastic tubs allow you to keep extra items, like towels and tennis rackets, on your porch.

Make sure to only use a trunk or duffel as one of your large pieces of luggage. We carry these large luggage items to the cabin for your daughter, and we cannot transport open totes, shelves, or other non-closable items.

One thing to know: duffels are less likely to be damaged when we move luggage; please know that we are not responsible for damaged trunks on Opening or Closing Day.

How big is the drawer under her bed and the shelf on her bunk?

Your daughter will have a large wooden drawer under her bunk to keep her clothes. These drawers are 32 x 32 x 9.5 inches. Each bunk also has two small shelves for simple items like a book, flashlight, or Bible. These shelves are 5.5 inches deep and 34 inches wide.

Do I need to bring soap and shampoo?

Nope! Camp provides shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in each cabin’s shower. If your daughter would like to use a specific kind, you can bring that with you.

What do you recommend for labeling items?

It is so important to label everything you send to camp! Don’t forget items like a Bible, water bottle, tennis raquet, shoes, and other non-clothing items. Many parents use a sharpie to label all items. If you’d like to purchase labels, we recommend Oliver’s Labels. You can order from Oliver’s through your online Greystone Account and find the Oliver’s link. Each purchase generates a 20% commission towards The Great Day Fund.

Can I bring plug-in devices for my daughter’s bunk (like fans, lights, etc.)?

Each bunk will have one electrical outlet available for a plug-in fan. You can use a stand-alone or clip-on fan; we would recommend a clip-on fan (like this one). We do not allow any other plug-in devices at camp (this is a safety issue enforced by our fire marshal). We also do not allow extension cords or string lights, including plug-in or battery-operated string lights.

Should my daughter bring books?

Greystone has a Library that is available for all campers to check out books, and girls can also bring books from home. We ask that you to be thoughtful with the reading material you send, making sure the books are wholesome and suitable for our community.

Does my daughter’s Sunday dress need to be white?

Nope! Girls can wear a simple skirt or dress to our Sunday worship service. They will change into whites after church. Only girls at our June, Main, and August Camps need to bring a simple dress for Sundays.

If my daughter forgets something, what do I do?

We can help your daughter find almost anything she needs. You may also purchase most forgotten necessary items from The Greystone Store including batteries, flashlights, hair brushes, tooth brushes, tooth paste, sunscreen, lip gloss, whites, and more. The Store will then deliver these items to your daughter. If you must send something important to your daughter, please read our Package Policy on how to label these before sending.

I see that you have a 1-piece bathing suit rule. What about a tankini? And, any other rules on modesty?

We ask that you only pack 1-piece bathing suits and no tankinis. We also ask that swimsuits be modest and must fully cover the body (no cut-outs or skimpy bottoms). All shorts need to have a recognizable inseam and all low-cut tank tops need to be worn with a more modest tank top underneath. Campers must also fully cover their midriffs.

What is the Five Year Ceremony, and do I need to send something for it?

Main Campers who have attended Greystone for 5 years or more (with at least 3 of those at Main) will participate in our Five Year Ceremony. If you were enrolled, Summer 2020 counts towards your total years for the session in which you were enrolled during 2020. Campers who are eligible need to bring a simple white dress. Five Year participants can also purchase a Five Year ring or charm, and these jewelry pieces must be ordered by May 1 through your Forms (available in the spring) in the Campanion app or through your Online Greystone Account.

Is there anything my daughter can’t bring to camp?

Campers are not allowed to bring pets, alcohol, drugs, tobacco or nicotine products, lighters or matches, weapons, explosives, or fireworks. Bringing any of these items to camp will result in dismissal. Bullying, disruptive, and/or difficult behavior will also not be tolerated. Campers behaving in these ways will be sent home at the discretion of the directors.