Closing Day

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While we are always sad to see our campers go, we know you will be excited to see your daughter again and hear all about her camp experience.

For Closing Day, we welcome parents to walk around and enjoy our camp property. You will be able to park your car, meet your daughter’s cabinmates and counselor(s), visit The Greystone Store, and then tour camp with your daughter. It will be a fun morning!

Arrival & Departure Times

We ask that you arrive between 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., and if previous years are any indication, we expect most parents to arrive no later than 9:45 a.m. We ask that all campers and parents depart by 11:30 a.m.

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We will have luggage sorted in our Fort by cabin group and by camper. Before leaving, you will load your luggage in your car. We will have staff available to help carry your luggage to your car, as cars will not be able to pull directly in front of the Fort due to exiting traffic.

Lost and Found

Any Lost and Found collected throughout the session will be available to see in the Fort on Closing Day. If any of your labeled items are found after you leave, we will mail those to you and will charge the postage cost to your Personal Allowance account.

Picking Up Your Daughter and Then Flying?

Make sure to bring an extra bag with you! Your daughter’s things will have multiplied, and she will most likely have a large Greystone tote bag full of odds and ends. Bring an extra duffel bag to make your airport check-in a breeze.

Express Pick-Up

As we know many parents need to hop on the road quickly, we offer an Express Pick-Up option at our June, Main, and August Camps. With Express, you can pull in our back gate between 8 - 8:30 a.m., and we will have your daughter and her luggage ready and waiting. We will load your car, allowing you to be on your way quickly. You will not be able to park or walk around the property (which is why this is an Express Pick-Up!), so please talk to your daughter about this Express option before the summer so she is prepared for Closing Day.

We ask that you register for the Express Pick-Up option (available in the spring) so that we can have your daughter and her luggage ready to go on Closing Day. You must register for Express at least one week prior to Closing Day.

On Closing Day, the gates open at 8:00 a.m., and we encourage you to be here before 9:30 a.m. You will park in the same manner as Opening Day, then walk up the hill to your daughter’s cabin.

On Closing Day, we will offer a light breakfast buffet in the Dining Hall for families to eat with their camper. Feel free to enjoy this buffet together, grab a cup of coffee, take a tour of your daughter’s classes, visit The Greystone Store, and then gather her luggage from the track. We ask that all families depart by 11 a.m.

Animals must be on a leash and stay below our Lower Road. Please do not take any animals into the cabin area.

We will carry all of your daughter’s heavier items down to the track and sort them by cabin. Each bag will be tagged “1 of 4”, “2 of 4”, etc. Please make sure you get all of your daughter’s bags. We will have staff available to help load your car before you leave.

Leaving by Car

Learn how we organize and move items on Closing Day. Don’t forget your laundry bag!

Car or Airplane Departure?

We need to know how you plan to pick up your daughter on Closing Day on her Travel Forms (to be completed in the spring), which you can fill out through her Online Account or through the Campanion app. If you will be driving into camp (either by car from your home or by renting a car after you’ve arrived by plane), your daughter is considered a CAR departure. Only girls who are taken to the airport with a shuttle provided by Greystone are considered flying home from camp.

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Transitioning Home

As you prepare to pick your daughter up from camp, know that the transition back home to the “real world” can be a big deal for some girls! Here are some tips and tricks as you prepare for Closing Day:

  • Whatever your camper is feeling or experiencing, it is normal! Some campers may be chatty while others may be quiet. Some may be sad to leave camp while others will be thrilled to be home. Campers experience a range of emotions about leaving camp.
  • Your camper will be tired! That tiredness may come out in different ways. Try not to schedule too many activities for those first few days after she comes back.
  • Give your daughter time to process all that she experienced as she adjusts to being back home. Camp stories may come out all at once or little bit by little bit. Be patient as she opens up about her time at camp.
  • Allow your daughter to have some independence! She has gained so many skills while she is at camp, so allow her to use these new skills at home. You’ll be surprised at all your daughter is able to do! Look for growth in your daughter, and name it when you see it.
  • Ask open-ended questions about your camper’s time at camp. Looking for a good resource on which questions to ask? You can use the cabin highlights sheet that we will email you at the end of the session. You can also ask about the new friends she met, the Evening Programs she enjoyed, what she heard in Morning Assemblies and devotions, and what she learned in her activities.
  • Camp is a very social place, and many girls want to stay in touch with their camp friends once they leave. Depending on your daughter’s age, you can help her keep up with her friends through letters, emails with other parents, or via text and social media.

Travel Form

Make sure we have the correct information on your Travel Form so we know how your daughter is departing on Closing Day.