Make a Ham and Apples Holiday Breakfast Feast

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As you’re planning your Christmas breakfast menu, camp is the perfect place to look from some delicious recipe options. We enjoy warm, home-cooked breakfast meals everyday during the summer, and many of our camp meals would make for fantastic holiday meals!

First up, we’re going to teach you how to make a Greystone favorite: Ham and Apples. At camp, we have this meal for our first breakfast together at every session; it is a camper favorite! Add some grits (these are our family’s favorites!) and homemade biscuits (try our camp recipe this year), and you’ve got yourself a delicious holiday meal.

Here are the details on how to Ham and Apples:

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Looking for some other Greystone holiday breakfast ideas? Try making one of these delicious recipes, or mix and match a few of these to make a truly fantastic holiday spread:

What will you be whipping up for your holiday season breakfast? Let us know of any good recipes your family loves in the comments below. Happy holiday cooking!

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