New Video: Trying Every Class This Summer

Summer 2021 brought a few key changes to keep our community safe, one of the biggest being how we did activities. Knowing that campers needed to stay in their “Family” groups, we threw our typical free choice model out the window, and put together pre-made schedules for each cabin so that they could do the ideal mix of all the activities we offer.

Like some of the other changes we had to make, we weren’t sure what campers would think of this new system. Would they embrace it and see how much good it brought? We should have known better - our Greystone Girls came in with great attitudes and showed us just how wonderful this program plan could be.

A few of the things they loved about it:

  • Getting to try every activity in camp. No other campers can say they’ve gotten to do this! Our 2021 girls got the perfect sampling of what we offer, and will come into future summers knowing exactly what classes they want to take.
  • Spending more time with their cabins. Cabin groups got to do every class together, which bonded them quicker than ever before! Campers quickly learned that there’s no better people to try new things with than your best friends - it made even classes that were out of their comfort zones seem a little less intimidating.
  • Finding classes they loved, but never would have tried on their own. This might be the very best part! We heard from campers all summer long that they found a new favorite class they never expected to enjoy.

Don’t just take our word for it though! We sat down with a few campers and heard from them what it was like to try every class in camp. Watch and see for yourself!