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Sue Jackson

Auburn University

Cheerleading and Cooking

3 years as a camper

1st year on staff

Hey! My name is Sue Jackson, and I am from Atlanta, GA! I am a rising junior at Auburn University where I am currently in nursing school! I grew up surrounded by Greystone girls and had to come back to rejoin the fun, but this time as a counselor. This will be my first time back at camp in nine years (a crime I know!), but I couldn’t be more pumped to spend my summer with Greystone.

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“For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith– and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– not by works so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he has prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:8-10

A few things I love: Running, cooking, listening to playlists I make, hanging out with my sister, going on awesome adventures with friends!

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Sit down with a cup of coffee and read either my Bible or another Christian book

Something you wouldn’t guess about me: I ran my 5th half marathon this past February

The one thing that makes any day better: Being surrounded by the people you love to laugh with

The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… The Oreo Cream Pie!!

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: My stationary to write my friends back home!

The song that describes me: Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison

The most famous person I’ve met is… Jennifer Garner

At camp, I’ll be the one… Applying sunscreen religiously

I wanted to work at Greystone because… I have a big heart for younger girls, and just want to come alongside y’all in life for a season!

The best thing about camp will be… Forming relationships that will last a lifetime