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Miller Woodall

Rollins College

Thunderhead Riding

7 years as a camper

1st year on staff

Hey, my name is Miller and I go to Rollins College in Orlando, Florida. I love hiking, fishing, sailing and waterskiing as well as anything adrenaline based especially scuba diving! I love to be on the move but I do not mind sitting still every once and a while. I am super excited to come back to camp this summer and be with all the girls! My favorite part of Junior Camp last year was getting to have DMC’s with so many campers. I will be working Thunderhead this summer and I cannot wait to see y’all on the mountain!

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“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

A few things I love: Hiking, reading, animals of all shapes and sizes, being on/ in the water and hanging out with friends.

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… Go on a walk.

Something you wouldn’t guess about me: I try to never say no to a good opportunity.

The one thing that makes any day better: A long hug!

Best camp tradition? Final Counsel Fire.

Favorite Evening Program? The surprise ones!

The camp food I can’t wait to eat is… OCP or Cheesy Chicken.

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me: My Crazy Creek!

The most famous person I’ve met is… Millie Bobby Brown

My favorite cheesy joke: What do cheese markers dance to on Halloween? The Muenster mash!

At camp, I’ll be the one… Always Dancing!

I wanted to work at Greystone because… As a camper, I had the best days at Greystone and I want to have the potential to make an impact on the younger girls like my counselors did to me!

The best thing about camp will be… Opening day and getting to meet everyone!