10 Camp Lessons for a Pandemic

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We’re living through an unprecedented time right now. This pandemic has thrown everyone off - no one thought this is what 2020 was going to look like! There’s so much that we’re doing right now that is new to us - social distancing, online learning, masks as fashion statements??

But if you’re a camp person, you’ve been training for a time like this your whole life! You may not think your current day to day looks anything like those blissful weeks at camp, but you’d be surprised how the lessons you learned at camp might just be perfect for such a time as this.

Take a minute today to think through the lessons you took away from camp. How can you tap into them during this crazy time?

  1. You determine your attitude. It’s one of the first lessons of Breakfast Club - your attitude matters! So much is out of our control, but we can control how we respond to these circumstances. Re-write the script in your head. How can you see the good right now? Even in a pandemic, it’s going to be a great day and we can feel terrific!
  2. There’s always something new to learn. No matter how many years you came to camp, there was always that class you hadn’t tried yet. How many people have we seen pick up new hobbies in this season? How can you take the time we’re given right now, and use it to learn something new? Whether it’s as simple as spending a few minutes in prayer each morning, or as complex as learning to needlepoint (we see you!), we’re never done learning and growing.
  3. Homemade bread is worth the effort! We’ve been baking bread from scratch before it was cool, but our country is catching up. It takes a bit of time, but there’s nothing like that fresh bread smell.
  4. Getting outside is always a good idea. There’s no shortage of fresh air at camp, but sometimes we need to be reminded of how good it feels to have the sun on your face the rest of the year. Who else has felt 100% better after a walk or just a few minutes playing in the yard? It’s magic!
  5. Living in close quarters isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. There’s nothing like sharing a cabin (and bathroom!) with 10 other girls to teach you how to compromise and give grace and share your space. Now that we’re home all the time, we’re feeling the tension and frustrations that come from living on top of each other. But if camp teaches us anything, it’s that sweetness comes from cabin life. Look for the good that’s in being stuck in a house together - it’s there!
  6. Your actions matter. A big part of our new Honor Code is taking ownership for what you do. No matter how big or small your community, the actions of an individual affect the whole group! Seeing our whole country follow the same guidelines for flattening the curve has been powerful. You may feel like a blip on the radar of this virus, but what you do has a big impact!
  7. Friendships require you to be intentional. There’s a reason DMCs have become part of our vernacular at camp. We have all experienced how taking that extra time and effort with a friend makes your relationship grow exponentially. We may have to stay apart right now, but the same holds true. Keeping up with friends right now requires extra effort (hello endless Zoom dates!) and creativity, but it’s worth it.
  8. We all need Rest Hour! Can we get an amen? Building time in your day to rest is more important than ever, no matter if you’re 5 years old or 55. Take a quick break today (and step away from your devices) and see if it doesn’t make you feel better.
  9. Good things come when you stop hurrying. Our empty calendars may not have been intentional, but whether we’d choose it or not, we’ve all been forced to slow down a bit. But that’s what we do all the time at camp! Camp life is simple, and we’re not afraid to slow things way down. Clearing out the clutter gives you time to reflect, to rest, and to focus on what matters. Allow yourself the space to be still right now, even if it seems uncomfortable at first.
  10. Give yourself permission to be silly! One of our favorite parts about camp is seeing girls of all ages let go of the pressures of the world and just be little. At camp we wear crazy costumes, sing all day long, and roll down the hill for fun… and we’re better because of it! How can you let go of the pressures and expectations, and have a little fun today? We’ve got nothing but time!