New Years Goal Setting the Breakfast Club Way

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January is one of my favorite months! Not only because of the snow (we are always hopeful that we will get a big, beautiful snowstorm in January), but also because it marks a fresh beginning.

We have started a new year, and that provides us the opportunity to set new goals that will help us make this year a GREAT one. Have you set any goals yet? If not, now is the time to do so!

Here is a simple three-step “Breakfast Club style” plan if you want to try it.

  • Identify the need. It is important to grow in the Four Fold way every year, so commit yourself to making specific progress in these foundational areas (Physical, Social, Mental, and Spiritual). You might not be exercising now… you could set aside 30 minutes to briskly walk around the neighborhood every day. You might not have made a new friend in a while… you could get to know someone new in your school (it all starts with a smile!). Mentally, you might not have a good attitude in the car before school… commit to making a kind comment to someone else in the car (it will make you feel better). Spiritually, you might read the camp devotion every day (I know we let that habit drop off as the year goes on) or spend 1 minute just thanking Jesus for a simple thing that you notice as good (the warmth of the sun, a good orange, a nice friend). These simple steps put you on the growth path.

  • Write it down. Write these commitments in a place that you see every day… this simple thing will help you remember to work at it every day. Time slips away from us very quickly; this simple step will remind us of what we value and how we can grow.

  • Gather a support team. Your mom or dad are great ones to get on your team. Friends and even siblings or teachers all play a huge role in supporting you in meeting your goals. Meet with your support team regularly to share stories of success or failure in your efforts to meet your goals. They will have suggestions and be able to give you a healthy perspective on the situation.

Goal setting is fun, but it can also feel intimidating! It might make you uncomfortable as you do something you otherwise would not think of doing, but you will grow in a significant way that assures every day is a GREAT DAY! Know that we at camp are cheering you on.

Do you have specific Four-Fold goals for 2024? We’d love to hear about them! You can write to us or send us an email. We’ll be trying to grow right along side you in this new year!

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