Sunny Skies

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The headline of today’s Blog is obvious, for it is the thought that dominates every camper and counselor this morning. The heavy cloud cover has lifted, the sun finally peeking through occasionally, and it feels like a perfect morning in the mountains. Glorious! After roughly 10 inches of rain in 4 days, camp is a muddy mess, but it also is nice and green! Being part of a temperate rainforest, much rain is not unusual, and things dry out quickly in the mountains.

Of course, the weather is nothing next to the obvious joy of family reunions after three weeks apart. The hugs, kisses, and teary-eyed wonder of camper and parent are so wonderful. In many ways, closing day is one of the best parts of the camp experience. Camper and parent alike appreciate each other so much it hurts. The emotion is so intense it can’t be expressed. The stories will be told either in a torrent or in a flood… but they will certainly be told because they are now cherished memories of a beautiful moment to keep for a lifetime.

We hope that camp has been a lot more than fun for your girls. We hope that they have grown in significant ways that will enhance every aspect of their lives. We hope that their camp friendships will be a support and encouragement for many years. We hope that some of the habits of camp will continue when they are home. Things like being kind, honest, truthful, and sincere. Owning our actions and expecting others to do the same. Girls of such character will change the world.

We hope that Greystone Girls will shine God’s light brightly in their homes, schools, churches, and communities. Thank you for allowing them this experience. Thank you for letting us share them for a few weeks. We miss them already.

And thank you for reading the blog. It has been a pleasure.

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