Another Great Day

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Camp is a remarkable place. A community of kindness and love that is completely separated from the harsh realities of the world. Our communications are face to face, no screens allowed. Our topics of conversation are always a mile wide and sometimes a mile deep. A place of safety, friendship, hope, and joy.

This is not to say that hardship does not exist. It rains (big rainstorm yesterday afternoon). Temperatures are sometimes hot (with no AC) or cold (with no heat), the rain storms can be scary. Sometimes we get our feelings hurt, sometimes we are just grumpy. We don’t smile every minute of the day, sometimes we feel bad… and that is OK.

Camp is amazing not because it’s perfect. Camp is amazing because of our responses to the imperfections. We learn to graciously cope with adversity and live together with harmony. When there are disagreements, hurt feelings, or blisters on a toe… we deal with it better at camp than elsewhere. Any one of these “hardships” will impact our sense of well being at the time, but at camp hardships are routinely mastered… we develop strong characters who face life with loving kindness and good attitudes.

The girls are learning these lessons every day… but sometimes they need to vent. Thus the subject of homesick letters… don’t be surprised if you get one of these in the next week or two. If you are concerned about this subject I suggest you read this blog from 2016.

Homesickness and camp go hand in glove and that is OK! Homesickness provides a great opportunity for character growth so we welcome the opportunity to grow. These are real life skills that will pay dividends for a lifetime. All this being said… if you are concerned, give your group leader a call or email. We will always be glad to check it out and let you know what is going on.

What am I excited about today…

  • Matt Howell… Matt is our minister for Main Camp and is new to Greystone this year. He gave his first devotion this morning and it was amazing! Our theme this year is Joy and Matt introduced the theme with a knock out devotion. The campers loved it and I think that one of the best gifts of this summer will come through this man and his family. Check out the morning assembly devotions when you get a chance. Matt’s devotions will be posted daily and they will be well worth the listen. Most Morning Assembly devotions are between 5 and 10 minutes, an easy thing to work into your day and well worth the time!
  • Food… you can not imagine the joy of all meals being planned, prepared, and presented with such inspiration. Our Salad Bar is astounding in variety and is constantly being updated with new treats. All sauces are built from scratch, all veggies are sourced locally, and the ice cold milk is served all day long. I don’t drink milk in the winter, but I drink it every day at camp. Simple delightful!
  • Campers… these girls love camp. They love everything about camp. Their delight with every detail inspires us to work harder, just to see their faces when they notice the new thing. For a camp director, Main Campers are the gold standard for all other sessions.

Food today…

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, sausage links, hash browns
  • Lunch: Poppy Seed Chicken
  • Dinner: Thick cut roasted pork chops, risotto, and Oreo Cream Pie

EP is Bungalow 2- Cabin 12 Lip Sync.

Thanks for checking in. Thanks for writing your girls. Thanks for your continuing prayers. Thanks for appreciating camp. You are the best!

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