2018 Song Suggestions

If you’ve been to camp before, you know that music provides an important backdrop to camp life. Last week, a song came on the radio and it made me laugh because it brought me right back to one specific moment as I was stopping by a cabin last summer. I’m sure that we’ve all had those moments, where a certain song brings either laughter or tears as you’re suddenly thrown right back into a memory of camp and your camp friends!

One of the things we do to get ready for the summer is updating the iPods - figuring out what songs will get cabin dance parties started, which songs to play before the famous Opening Day assembly, what songs will set a soundtrack for Stumblers. It’s a big job and we need YOUR help! Click here to tell us what songs we MUST have on the iPods this summer!

Thanks for your help! We can’t wait to see y’all (and dance and sing with y’all) SOON!