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My father used to say “You have to pay the price for the promise of the prize”.

Today is Prize Day! Our fourth Sunday marks our final Stumblers, the day when T-Shirts (the currency of camp) are handed out to all who ran at least three times this summer. It is a day marked by a huge turnout (a solid 400 in attendance) and made even more exciting for the “Great Day 5K” camper race that finished while we were running. It was a morning marked by very enthusiastic girls having a great time while sweating in the early morning sun. Great Day indeed!

Last nights Watershow was really beautiful. It is probably one of the biggest syncronized swimming exhibitions in the world (125 participating, 550 watching) and made for a really wonderful evening. The weather was perfect, even providing a glorious red sky sunset as we walked back to our cabins. Golden memories indeed!

Today we will enjoy a quiet Sunday, some will be preparing for upcoming shows (the horse show and senior play are tomorrow) but most will enjoy that warm afterglow of a job well done. Time well spent.

Many will start writing “Plane Letters” to their friends and counselors. A Plane Letter is a glorious tradition… one we should all work into life’s transition moments. The idea is to write a sincere letter of appreciation to a friend just before they leave. We don’t read plane letters till we have left camp, often while cuddled up in a comfy back seat of mom’s car about an hour after pulling out of the gates. Tears often accompany a plane letter. Warm expections of enduring friendships always make plane letters treasured posessions.

Tonight we will have a Council Fire. I will tell the “ME-ME Bird” story and departments will hand out hundreds of awards. The fire will burn down to embers as the evening goes on and we will enjoy humming taps softly as we follow down the hill at the conclusion.

So the “Last” moments are now evident to all (Last Stumblers, Sunday Buffet, Church service, Council Fire)… prepare for an emotional week. This is going to be good!

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