
What a great day we had yesterday (Derby Day, Horse Show, Senior Play). A fabulous day in every way: perfect weather for classes, a perfect horse show, and a perfect evening (the play was AMAZING… the girls were real pro’s despite such challenges as a big thunderstorm near the end of the show). The afterglow of such an evening is enjoyed today, it enhances our last full day of classes and colors our expectations for closing vespers tonight.

We had a “ham and apples” breakfast (a Greystone tradition on this day; the biscuits are amazing). A special guest speaker at morning assembly (Terrell Glenn, the father of Group Leader Cecilia and a returning camp minister from 15 years ago). At this moment classes are in full swing as we “wrap up” our TTS schedule. Everyone knows that time is short and everyone is making the most of the moments we have left.

The feelings of this closing week are wonderful. Our hearts are soft and we yearn to share our hearts in meaningful ways. Preferred ways are: DMC’s, Plane Letters, holding hands, rolling down the lawn in groups large and small, putting closing vespers candles in the little plank “boats”, dance parties, and dining hall singing. The energy of camp is very strong. In many ways, this will be the best day of the summer.

Thank you for your remarkable support of Greystone. That you support a long camp session in the middle of the summer is most appreciated. For literally decades we have wondered if the Main Camp session can survive and remain relevant and your answer to that question continues to be “Keep It”. Main Camp is currently the hardest camp to get into because of your support, and we are sincerely grateful for we know it is a difficult session for parents. It is expensive, it impacts your family vacation plans, the opening and closing days are inconvenient, and it is often hard to explain to coaches and guidance counselors who want the girls to sports or resume enhancing summer activities during the month of July. We know that Main Camp only survives because you think it is worth the various costs. Thank You.

Which brings up an important change. The Early Bird program is different this year. Early Bird will open for all campers in all sessions on August 8th and will end August 23rd. We will then open enrollments to the girls on the Wait List as space allows. We made this change in hopes that campers who enroll actually attend (too many girls were early birding then cancelling once they looked at the calendar). We also made the change in an effort to better manage the Wait List and be fair to those families.

We pray God’s Blessings on your family as you prepare for a happy reunion with your girls. Such happy days ahead… anticipate them keenly and make a plan for enjoying them fully. Such wonderful girls… we will miss them when they go.