The Prize

My father used to say (and we repeat the words at every gathering of the Stumblers running club) “you have to pay the price for the promise of the prize”. Today is prize day!

Anyone who ran at least three times at Main Camp this year will be given a coveted T-Shirt (t-shirts are rapidly becoming the currency of camp). This particular shirt is quality in every way: a technical tri fabric shirt that is very light, soft, and cooling… printed with a subtle custom design, of course. The prize is pretty good, but the price was high. Wake up early on a sleep late day, walk to the track (through wet grass), and run fifteen laps on a track in the blazing sun. It actually is very fun because of the size of the group (when else can you exercise with 300 friends) and the pace of the run (very slow). Stumblers is a great tradtion, I can still see my father leading stretching in his running suit (he always had good gear).

Today promises to be a sunny, warm, and happy day. The feeling around camp is very mellow, the perfect compliment to a lazy Sunday schedule. We will delight in the relaxed pace and look forward to the big week to come. Closing week is non stop and very emotional. Council Fire tonight, Derby Day tomorrow (comprising the horse show, huge party, and Senior Play), Closing Vespers on Tuesday, Banquet on Wednesday, Closing on Thursday. Wow.

Time goes quickly at camp (it feels like we just got here). Time also condenses at camp (it feels like the Junior Play was a week ago, but it was only two days). The bubble has this effect on time and we love it. Life is full and life is good at camp. We intend to make the most of the moments we have left.

Enjoy your Sunday, lift up a prayer for continued protection of camp. At this point in the summer I am reminded of how Gracious God has been to Greystone over the generations. It has been a remarkably safe and healthy summer; the tradition continues but is not taken for granted. We pray for God’s protection every day.