
What are the “themes” that rise from the Four Fold Philosoply of living? Several come to mind: Unselfishness, Gratefulness, and maintaining a Positive Attitude are evident but there is a deeper truth that really ties it together in my mind. I think the unifing theme of the Four Fold Philosophy is a Biblical Perspective on all things.

If we live lives that are marked by God’s Love, we develop eyes that see all circumstances from God’s perspective. With such a perspective we live very different lives. Our Social, Spiritual, and Mental growth are profound and effective. This is true for physical growth as well.

Today we began the week with our last talk on Physical growth. The perspective I encouraged the girls to embrace is that our physical bodies are not a mistake. We have different shapes, not all of us are going to be models… and that is a gift! Jesus (who had the power to make Himself stunningly beautiful) is never physically described. None of those who met Him thought of His looks, it just didn’t matter. Isaiah describes the Messiah as one who is not “comely to look upon”. So apparently looks are not important to God.

We have been given wonderful bodies, bodies that bring great Glory to God… bodies that are intentionally created by God with very specific physical attributes. These bodies are an eternal gift (we will one day have our same bodies in heaven) that God knows very well (He counts the very number of hairs on our head). God does not make mistakes. God has a plan. God is good. We can CONFIDENTLY trust Him.

So I encouraged the girls to not obssess over their body type. We should always take care of our physical bodies (eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep), but don’t obsess about the outside. It is an emotional subject, especially in the camp setting. We want the campers and counselors to have a perspective that is accurate—- the Bible teaches that we should not worry about the way we look (Vainity is not a virtue!). Be thankful for the bodies that we have been given. They are Glorious and wonders of the universe that are destined for eternity.

The weather today is magnificent. There is a light cloud cover, which has dropped the temperatures a bit, there is a light breeze, and the humidity is lower. A great day.

Lunch today is Jerked Chicken, fried plantains, saffron rice… YUM. Dinner is meatloaf (our meatloaf is really wonderful) mashed potatoes, and green beans.

Special Treat after Morning Assembly today was Chic-Fil-a biscuits and smoothies (they won this at the big Game Show last week). It was a surprise for all, most appreciated!