
Our last day of camp is well under way, the time slipping through our fingers in a way that is noticed by all. Each moment seems to be a big deal: Our last breakfast, our last time of singing fast songs in the dining hall, last breakfast club, last morning assembly, last classes… every minute of the day seems to present another moment of significance to be grasped. It makes for a glorious day!

Breakfast Club featureed the traditional Frog and Scorpion fable (look it up if you don’t know it… all Greystone Girls know it well). I teared up a bit… but it was OK, we all feel comfortable around such things at camp.

Morning Assembly featured the 10 Lepers (Luke 17), a talk on thankfulness. I teared up a bit… seems to be that kind of a day.

A group of three girls just left my office after delivering three plane letters for me to open tomorrow. I teared up a bit after they left, for it is profoundly touching… I am tempted to open them now, but my personal rule is that a plane letter is ment for closing day. I read such letters while there is time to savor the words. The memory of the summer fills the heart when a plane letter is opened; it is a precious gift that is unique to that particular day. If you ever find opportunities to write plane letters in the “real world”, don’t hesitate to do so. They are wonderful.

Last nights Closing Vespers program was enhanced by a perfect setting. A cold front pushed the muggy haze and cloud cover from the sky and the effect at sunset was breathtaking. A crescent moon high in the western sky, framed by neon pink and dark grey blue wispy clouds, in a deep blue sky with about 700 candles floating on a still small lake. This is always a beautiful night but last night stood out in it’s natural majesty.

The singing by the lake shore was also very sweet. The Senior girls choose the songs that they want to enjoy with the camp at this moment and their choices often include a Praise song or two and a bunch of the slow Greystone songs. Last night they chose to sing Praise song after Praise song… not a Greystone song in the mix… and it was a perfect choice. With that perfectly glorious sunset lighting each and every face, any other choice just did not seem appropriate. God is Glorious… we all saw that fact clearly last night.

Thank you for sharing your girls. They are excited to see you tomorrow! We encourage you to arrive between 8:00 and 9:30 AM if possible (most of camp is empty by 10:30, it can feel bad to be the last one in the cabin). Your bags will be ready at the track, arranged by cabin groups and tagged with the camper name. We also list on the tag the number of bags that we brought for her to the track. Count the bags carefully, it is easy to miss one! We are happy to UPS bags that are left at camp or do not fit in the car… just let Peter (our transportation director) know and we will take care of it.

Early Bird enrollments will start in about two weeks (we will send a reminder email before we open enrollments and again before we close them). If you have any questions just call or email Diane Culler (Admissions Director).

Be very careful as you travel. Our prayers are with you… Grateful for your support and encouragement.


Elizabeth Robertson defeated Grace Anne Muller, 6-3, 6-3. This is Elizabeth’s second straight tennis championship (also winning in 2014)