Camp Life: Surprises

Part of the delight of camp life in the middle of the session is the occasional unexpected surprise. We had a couple good ones this morning!

  • Sleep Late Friday! We let the girls sleep late (till 8:30) and then bring them “breakfast in bed”! By not going to the Dining Hall we are able to get onto a regular schedule without missing a single class. It is a wonderful and welcome surprise for the campers and counselors alike!
  • Hot Chocolate! As the girls were gathering for Morning Assembly, we surprised them with hot chocolate on the road. While it is not a cold morning, the hot chocolate was a welcome treat (something about hot chocolate makes everyone feel good).

The weather is delightful. It is warm, but not hot. Every afternoon large clouds gather and we hear distant thunder, storms that may or may not hit us (roughly 50% chance of such isolated showers every day). The clouds make for a lovely sight, and the rain cools things off by at least 10 degrees whenever it hits. We welcome whatever weather blankets the camp.

Tonight we will enjoy our Birthday Ball (where all girls who have a birthday during the summer) sit at the head table and are served a feast by the Head Staff. Afterwards they are the guests of honor at the Camper Talent Show (one of the best EP’s of the session). We love talent shows at camp, your girls are quite remarkable and their acts are very entertaining. It will be a lovely evening.

Hope that you are enjoying your week and anticipating a great weekend. Remember to write your camper!!! I would say that Monday is the last day you can send a letter and count on it arriving before Friday. Hand written letters are wonderful! Worth the effort!

Thank you for reading and for supporting our camp. It is an honor.