Camp Life: Beautiful

Our Breakfast Club theme these days is “Physical Growth” and I am spending the majority of my time on the concept of self image.

At camp, girls gradually drop their self-conscious obsession with how they look. You can see it in the pictures… a natural joy radiates in a way that is not often seen elsewhere. Part of this joy comes from not worrying so much about how we look. My topics on self-image are broken into two themes: how others see us and how God sees us. Today we looked at others.

My encouragement was for the girls to remember the main growth opportunity of Social Growth (to be interested in other people, caring for their needs, helping them out). If we are really investing our emotional energy and attention on other people, we don’t focus so much on ourselves.

I find this to be very true at camp. The most popular campers and counselors are those who really invest in other people. At camp, we get past the externals. True beauty arises from the warmth of genuine smiles and sincere conversations, and we are drawn to the individuals who practice such love without reservation. These examples encourage us all to not worry so much about how we look but rather to worry about how we act. Such beauty transforms this community into one that reflects the Glory of Heaven in a tangible way.

A camp dad once wrote me this at the end of camp: “The veil between heaven and earth is thinner at Greystone.” Strong words, but often true. In Heaven, looks don’t matter. Jesus was described in Isaiah as “not comely to look upon”, and yet He (retaining the body He had on earth) is the very model of beauty from God’s perspective and is lifted up as such in Heaven right now. He would NEVER want us to care so much about our looks.

Love your girls for who they are. Encourage them to not focus on themselves but to love others.

My next talk will go into the concept of seeing ourselves as God sees us. Fearfully and Wonderfully made. We hope that every girl (camper and counselor) will hear this message and be encouraged- encouraged to confidently and joyfully accept the body that God has given them and simply be thankful.

Beautiful weather. Wonderful food. Warm memories of fun times. Happy hearts anticipating the next thing.

Thank you for making it all possible.