Fun Running in the Sun

Hi friends!

I was so happy to catch up with Sarah Brown & Hayes Richter in Greenville, SC recently to run the Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon! We took a photo and I thought I would share it. It seemed a bit lame to just post that photo…so I went into my “recent” archives and dug out some funny photos. There is one of myself and Lydia T. She was a camper for many years and this year she is on staff. I thought she would get a kick out of that photo. Then there are some of former staff who are still great friends of ours and one of Laura & Gerv, Runge & Logan, Pool Staff, Family Camp and then finally – Jimboy in nature.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did as I found them. Ahh..the memories!

Have a great day Greystone family!

Kelly Carew