Junior Camp Closing

Camp is strangely quiet now that you have left Junior Camp, girls!! We MISS you already! We have had a wonderful time together, and now are getting camp ready for the upcoming June Session on Monday.

Thank you parents, for sharing your daughters. They blessed us for the short week that we had them! We have great stories from our time together….I am sure that you have heard the songs that they learned throughout the week, and heard of the new friends they made at camp!

You will receive an Early Bird letter shortly, explaining the process of Early Bird Enrollment for the summer of 2013. Discuss with your daughter which session she might feel most comfotable attending, and follow the deadline dates to secure your spot. The deadline date is very important….it is better to enroll (then cancel later if necessary) than to not enroll, then not be able to get in.

Hope to see you all in 2013, and have a GREAT rest of your summer!
