Deep Country-the few-the proud!

There are so many great parts about working at Camp Greystone. One that most people don’t consider is the pride we all take in living in some of the funniest places. Take Deep Country 4…or DC4 as we also call it. MANY folks over the years have called it home. This year it is getting a makeover. If you ever lived in Deep Country – post a memory. Please leave out any that include mice…been there, trapped that. I lived there WAY back in the day. It was the fall of 1999. Loni Lewis and I were helping with off season. Ahh….the memories!! Incidentally DC 1, 2 & 3 are now 1 and 2 and have gotten some love also. This year the retro cabin will be DC5. We love that the floors are not level. We love that there is a rich history…if those walls could talk…

Have a great week!! We are hard at work…putting DC4 back together again!! (even better!!)
