A Day at Greystone's Junior Camp

What a GREAT day it has been so far! The sun is shinning and the girls have been so happy…..it is hot, but we are reminding them to drink LOTS of water, apply their sunscreen and wash their hands to keep them healthy! The mist machine is a HUGE hit, and is a great way to cool down between classes.

The girls are in rest hour right now. We had a great lunch – hamburgers, French fries, salad bar, sweet tea and white chocolate chip cookies….very good! Then, their counselors went to the mail room to pick up mail for the girls. We give them their mail at the beginning of rest hour so they have time to read it and then write their letters. After rest hour is over, the girls may go get watermelon, then they can go to candy Shoppe for a sweet snack. Then it is off to afternoon classes.

We do try to work with them each day in the morning and evening, teaching them how to clean up their cabins. At the longer sessions, the cabins are actually “inspected” twice a day to make sure that they stay clean! At Junior Camp, they start the process of learning all the different jobs that we do to clean our cabins.

My mother, Libby is our senior director. She LOVES teaching Bible classes, and during Junior camp, she not only teaches Bible class, but she also does our morning assembly classes. This summer, she is teaching about Angels in the Bible, with stories that the girls love! I am sure your girls will tell you about Honey, her Cocker Spaniel, who is quite the hit this year.

This evening, we will have our very popular Counselor Talent Show night! All of the staff do a skit for the girls….it is so much fun and the girls just LOVE seeing their counselors up on stage.

We are having fun…..thanks for sharing your girls with us!!
