7 Ways to Bring Camp to the Real World

By now we’ve all caught up on sleep, spent some time with our families, and gotten back into the routines of everyday life… and we’re about ready to get back to the Bubble!

Transitioning back to the “real world” is no cakewalk, but we’re in in together, and we’re coming to your rescue with our top tips for bringing a little bit of Greystone back home.

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  1. Write a camp friend a letter. In a world of texting and Facetiming and who knows what else, sometimes we just need good old fashioned snail mail. Slow down for a minute today to put pen to paper, and make a friends’ day too!
  2. Start your day with a joke. It doesn’t have to be one of Jimboy’s 15 minute marathons - just look up a joke on the way to school, or share it with your carpool. There’s power in beginning your day with a smile!
  3. Read our Daily Devotions. Keep your faith going at home by reading Scripture every day. Really missing camp? These devos are written by your favorite counselors and Greystone celebs, so they’re sure to make you feel like you’re back in the Bubble… even for just a minute!
  4. Get some fresh air. When was the last time you read a book in the grass or played in the rain? Probably at camp, right? Make an intentional decision today to go outside and soak it in - you just might feel like you’re back in the 28790 after all!
  5. Have a DMC. Deep and meaningful conversations aren’t just meant for within the Greystone gates! Take your home friendships to another level by asking a friend how she’s really doing, or how you can support her this week.
  6. Listen to camp music. We all know that that a Morning Assembly song can take us right back to the Pavilion, so crank up that Ellie Holcomb song on your way to school today - it’s guaranteed to lift your spirits! Bonus points if you can hear Laura in your head saying to put good things into your body.
  7. Remind yourself of what is true. At camp it’s easy to be confident, to know that you are secure and loved through Jesus, but at home, that gets a little trickier. Take a moment today to take a deep breath, and choose to listen to what God says about you rather than the voices of the world. Having trouble? Call your counselor and let her remind you!