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The layers of quality experiences that occur this time of the summer boggle the mind. Last weekend is now just a blur of quality programs (Junior Play, Production Show, Watersports Day, Water Show, Fine Arts Show, Archery Tournament, Riflery Tournament… that is what comes to mind at this moment). Today we will celebrate the Horse Show and the Senior Play “Elf”, which will be broadcast starting around 7:30 tonight. Tomorrow is Closing Vespers. Time is short and we are making every minute count!

Yesterday’s Art Show was an inspiration and affirmation of our commitment to making the fine arts program truly significant. We are not satisfied with “trinkets” (though there is always a place for lanyards and leather bracelets, we encourage the girls to create enduring works of art to take home). When your daughter shows you what she made at camp, we hope you will be genuinely impressed and proud of the effort.

God is the Master Creator and we are made in His image, so we encourage the girls to create while at camp. The Fine Arts Center is continually improved and renovated in an effort to inspire such efforts. Our Ceramics Studio was renovated this year (it is now the brightest, cleanest, most dust free ceramics studio I have ever seen). What other camp has a Silversmith studio, glass bead studio, and fusing facilities? The Arts programs combine to provide the girls a place to slow down and get out of the sun while making treasures that will sometimes be cherished for a lifetime. Fine Arts deserve our support and we are very proud of what Peggy, Marilyn, Barbara, Devan, and Kim have provided for the girls this summer. Well Done!

The Art Show made me very proud. Proud of the campers who created an absolutely stunning assembly of GREAT crafts projects, photographs, paintings, drawings, calligraphy, glass fusion, glass beads, metal jewelry, fabric arts, and ceramics. Almost every person in camp visited the Art Show and we all came away wishing we could purchase particular items. It was that good! I can’t wait for you to see what your girls have made!

Today we are enjoying the big Horse Show (about 200 campers are watching from the shade of the trees that line the show ring) and we will present the Elizabeth Miller trophy to the Champion just before the picnic lunch is served.

Libby made her first appearance at Main Camp this summer at church yesterday. The girls gave her a standing ovation as she was introduced at the beginning of the service. It was very sweet and a memorable moment… one of my favorites of the summer. At this time she hopes to make an appearance at the horse show, we all hope she is able to do so!

The Hostesses have gotten a few phone calls asking about closing day, so I think we will send out a reminder email later today. Main Camp closes on Thursday, shocking but true. Some of you might wonder about the logic of this odd time to end a session… it arises from the intensity of the Main Camp work experience. We found that counselors were not able to sufficiently recover from the emotional havoc that we all experience when the Main campers leave. It is not uncommon for a counselor to cry for a solid day after the girls leave (I have had two daughters work as counselors, both of them cried for days)… they crawl into bed and sleep for 16 hours, awake to spend a lazy day sitting by the lake, and after all that down time they find themselves ready to go again. I appologize for the inconvenience but assure you that it is worth it. Without that extra day Main Camp would not be the same (counselors would often “hold back” in an effort to protect themselves). I hope you understand.

Thank you for checking in. It is a beautiful summer day with slightly overcast skies taking the edge off of the heat. We will enjoy a picnic feast for lunch (lots of different foods including roast beef sandwiches!). It is indeed A Great Day!

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