Nicole Pares

USC Upstate


2nd year on staff

Hi! My name is Nicole Pares and I’m currently a junior at USC Upstate (used to go to Clemson…I’m a tiger at heart #daboforpresident). I am majoring in Psychology and double minoring in Spanish and Child Advocacy Studies. I love camp and am so excited to return for my second summer! I’ll be teaching Ceramics this summer…wooo! Some of my interests include music, art, reading/ writing, and design (I have my own business and am dabbling in internships with Anthropolgie.) Counting down the days to be back at camp!

“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:1-2

Personal Interests? music, art, reading, writing, hiking, kayaking

When I have an hour of free time, I like to… play guitar or read

Best camp tradition? all food-related traditions

Sing? Dance? Or both? BOTH

Item that I MUST bring to Camp with me…. books! /journal

Something you wouldn’t guess about me… I used to be in a band and also used to be a DJ

Last book I read… Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Three words to describe yourself: outgoing, kind, “chill/artsy”

Hidden talent? Making jewelry? I have my own business!…also, I’m bilingual!

If my life could have a theme song, it would be…. Every 1’s A Winner by Hot Chocolate

The best thing about camp will be… making friends! (and the food, haha)